Music Stars Making a Social Impact: Why & How Beware Wolves is Helping to Change our World..
by Yitzi Weiner
As a part of our series about stars who are making an important social impact, I had the pleasure of interviewing Beware Wolves. He was born. He lives. He will die (hopefully a long time from now). Beware Wolves, an independent, self-produced artist, offers an “Americana” music anthology that stands apart for music-loving audiences. Just pure music. Straight to the heart.

Don Bartley - Benchmark Mastering - New Record..
by William Street Strikers
Hey there people, particularly but not exclusively the new crop who’ve come in of late. We’ve just got the masters back from Australia’s premier league audio guru Don Bartley and as usual, it’s absolutely awesome.

Beware Wolves Album
BEWARE WOLVES (Self-Titled) features 11 leading tracks selected from the broader 9 volume Beware Wolves Anthology release (spanning Aug. 2022). The first ever release of this kind from any artist, let alone as their musical debut, the scale of this 81-track, 9 volume anthology will have broad impact.

Aria Awards 2020 Nominations
This year, Don has mastered three albums that are up for nomination between five categories for the 2020 ARIA awards. The artists include Archie Roach, Busby Marou, and…

Benchmark Mastering Loses Founding Member
It is our sad duty to have to announce that Helen Bartley, one of the founders of Benchmark Mastering, has passed away after a long illness. Partner in life and business of legendary mastering engineer Don Bartley, Helen was a director of International Mastering Services since the early 1990s, and was actively involved in setting up Benchmark in 2006 at the site of the original EMI Studios in Castlereagh Street, Sydney. Her husband Don never doubted that Benchmark, an icon of the Australian music scene, would not have existed and flourished without Helen’s encouragement and personal support….

Mark of the Finest Pressings
"They range from probably the most famous mastering engineers – well, one of the most famous in the world, really, but the only one people probably know – Don Bartley…” He doesn’t get to the other end of the continuum, the “to…” …

The Origin of the Rarest and Most Sought After Pressing of “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”
AnalogPlanet reader Bill Wright interviews Australian mastering engineer Don Bartley, who cut lacquers back in 1983 for what many consider to be the best sounding and certainly the rarest pressing of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band…